Short videos

Lockdown 2020: our top 5 ways to spend time as a family

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year of living with Covid in the world!. I found this short video the other day and thought I’d share it…

We were in lockdown mode in the spring of 2020 but we tried to stay positive. Christine’s school put a call out for videos of how teachers’ family were coping with the isolation, so we put this short video together.

Now, we’re closing in on one year of the “new normal” and it’s amazing to see that we’re basically doing the same things to stay sane and safe as we were back then. Though the outdoor sports have changed with the seasons. Stay safe everyone, and try to have fun.
Short videos

Snacks vs Naps – it’s an “Eat vs Sleep” showdown

Turner’s so tired but he’s hungry too. Can he finish his cracker before sleep overtakes him? It’s an epic battle! Disclaimer: NO slow-motion used in this video – it only looks that way cause the poor buddy is shutting down while chewing.
Short videos

Carrson vs The Shirt

Ever have one of “those” days, where even the simplest thing goes wrong?
Short videos

4 yr-old learns to skate on our backyard ice rink

It’s been a tough winter for young families, to say the least. So this short backyard skating rink video is a real win for us.

My 4 year-old son learned to skate and also found a love for hockey this winter, despite the isolation, no play-dates and lack of organized sports. Not to mention the stress, fears and the local rinks shutting down.

Christine and I decided early in the winter that the “stay at home” orders for our province weren’t going to rob our kids of a “normal” winter, so we put in our first ever back yard ice rink to help the kids keep active and occupied this winter.

Well, Turner was a complete beginner on skates and flopped like a fish while his older brother skated circles around him. Carrson had learned to skate a few winters ago with the benefit of skating lessons and we played shinny a few times a week at the local outdoor rink for the last two winters.

Little Turner had none of those advantages this year but he buckled up and decided that he was going to teach himself to skate and to play ice hockey!

Our back yard ice rink only lasted a couple of months but Turner was out almost every day, lots of times 2 or 3 times in a day. Always the last to get off the ice.

I have so much respect and admiration for him!

I hope this little video helps a few people realize that even in these weird, hard times, we can still learn, grow, accomplish our goals, and have a ton of fun along the way.