Minecraft videos

Minecraft but it’s a bare knuckle battle!

Our family loves Minecraft but sometimes we need a break from the larger challenges of fighting the Ender Dragon or expanding our empire. So we make up lots of fun, silly games to do inside of vanilla Minecraft.

Today, Turner wants to battle in Minecraft!

So, we’re stripping off our armour, putting our weapons away and rolling up our sleeves to have an epic one-on-one multi-day bare knuckle battle outside. Picture a UHC match with just 2 players and none of that boring mining stuff before the battle! And we have to deal with hostile mobs, increasing hunger and the hot hard hits from each other.

Game on!
Minecraft videos

We created a new Minecraft game, “Iron Rush”

After we defeated the Ender Dragon in Minecraft recently, we were looking for other fun and challenging things to do in Minecraft Survival. So we invented, “Iron Rush”.

The rules are simple: First to get Iron in their inventory wins! But there’s a surprising amount of strategy involved. What would you do? Start digging and mine for iron? Or sprint and look for a cave or a ravine? Do you worry about food, a sword and torches or go fast and light with just a pickaxe?

In this first ever Iron Rush challenge, Carrson and I choose two very different strategies. One turns out to be much more successful than the other!